perl operator

I have executed a following program in Perl. print -2**4 + 1; Perl script prints, -15. But as per Mathematical rule (minus * minus = plus). So it will ...

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  • I have executed a following program in Perl. print -2**4 + 1; Perl script prints, -15. But...
    ** operator in perl - PerlMonks
  • Perl is a powerful and flexible scripting language that is uniquely suited to website deve...
    About Perl's operators - Lynda: Online Courses, Classes, ...
  • To prevent confusion strings have their own operators. Perl has its own addition and mulit...
    Operators: arithmetic and otherwise - PerlMonks
  • Please note that you must use each different operator depending of whether or not you are ...
    PERL - Arithmetic Operators - Tizag Tutorials
  • Simple answer can be given using the expression 4 + 5 is equal to 9. Here 4 and 5 are call...
    Perl - Operators - Tutorials for Kubernetes, Spring JDBC, ...
  • Concatenation of two strings. .= The concatenation assignment operator. eq: String equalit...
    PERL -- Operators
  • Operators Since perl expressions work almost exactly like C expressions, only the differen...
    PERL -- Operators - Carnegie Mellon School of Computer ...
  • 04 - Operators The operators in a computer language tell the computer what actions to perf...
    Perl 5 by Example: Operators - CodeBits - Tested Complex ...
  • Camel (Programming Perl, O'Reilly) calls them "C-style Logical (Short Circuit) Op...
    Perl Idioms Explained - && and || "Short Circuit" operators ...
  • Perl Logical Operators Example - Learn Perl in simple and easy steps starting from Introdu...
    Perl Logical Operators Example - TutorialsPoint
  • When you combine adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing operators together, Perl wi...
    Perl Operators
  • Perl Operators - Learn Perl in simple and easy steps starting from Introduction, Environme...
    Perl Operators - TutorialsPoint
  • The smart match operator ~~ is new in perl 5.10. To use it, you'll need to explicitly ...
    Perl Programming/Operators - Wikibooks, open books for an ...
  • Perl's set of operators borrows extensively from the C programming language. Perl expa...
    Perl ProgrammingOperators - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
  • perlop - Perl operators and precedence DESCRIPTION In Perl, the operator determines what o...
    perlop -
  • Perl分別提供了一堆運算子來處理數字和字串,你必須知道這個變數是數值或字串,才能使用個別的運算子來對變數做運算。我分別列出字串運算子和數值運算子,好讓大家能區分它們的不同。 字串...
    Perl的基本語法 - 國立臺灣海洋大學網路發展協會
  • Perl的資料型態大致分為四種:Scalar、Scalar Array、Hash Array、References, 看起來雖少但用起來 ... Concatenates the ...
    Perl的基本語法 - 海洋大學
  • The ternary operator is probably the saddest operator in the world. All the other operator...
    The ternary operator in Perl - Gabor Szabo Perl, Python, ...